... did you know 52 is my lucky number? Just a little Amy Trivia for you...
How did I go from this ------------------------------->
A wonderful vacation with friends, camping, exploring, and swimming...
a kitchen full of fruit flies? I mean, a few days ago life was so good... so picturesque... And then I come home to these boogers. I believe it has something to do with the old bananas I left in the house before we left town. The bananas I should have thrown away... but I forgot...
So now I'm surrounded by these little guys. I'm trying to kill them. I really am. And I've bleached everything. I've set up kill traps like the one in the photograph. I'm pretty sure that one way or another, I'll beat them.
But for now, they are the fly in my ointment. No pun intended.
Since getting home, Monday night, I've been playing catch-up. It's amazing how far behind I can get after 10 days of vacation. But it was worth it, fruit files and all. I'll be back to my "normal routine" tomorrow. (May I say that I can't FREAKING WAIT for the kids to be back in school so that I can get back to a REAL routine?) And for the record, I have determined that it is completely impossible to watch what you eat while on vacation. Don't even try it. (and don't tell my husband I gave you that advice. I'll deny it.)
I owe you a giveaway... tune in tomorrow! And if you have any additional tips on killing fruit flies, feel free to post them here! I'm all ears. And flies.
Things I’m Loving: Spring Edition
1 day ago
that orange rock in the background of your photo is sooooo cool! (I love orange! I have a huge orange wall and we are staining all our concrete orangish.
you look like you are having sooo much fun... cute suit by the way!
no fruitfly suggestions - sorry.
K, stupid question, totally not applicable to weight loss, but blogging. I use photobucket photos on my blog, but if I’m just uploading normal pictures through blogger how do you get the text to stay to the side of your photo?
Oh, that was Camille by the way leaving that last comment, I am on my moms’ blog right now.
I just got back from three weeks away with the kids. My husband stayed home and when we got home there were millions of fruit fly's!!! I asked my husband were you so lonely you had to keep them as friends?!
(by the way... I've calmed down since seeing you this morning, Thanks for tolerating my RANT!)
I just upload the photo & then it asks me if I want to place it in the center, L, or R... Maybe you don't have an "updated" blogger account? It should ask you!
And Koala... glad SOMEONE ELSE suffers like I do! HA! My husband busted out a fogger tonight and nearly killed me. I think it may have been intentional. One of my FB friends suggested putting a bread bag on the counter w/yucky food in the bottom of it to attract them, then SHUT the bag when they're all in there. I caught about 4 million of them, that way. Okay... maybe it's not THAT bad. But it sure feels like it!!! GEEZ!!
Vacation is hard for eating well - oh, I can watch what I eat though! I watch myself eat ice cream and treats! Lol!
Glad you are home.
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