Being the high tech people we are, Eric and I never go anywhere without making sure we have Internet access.... Cell phone signals... Wi-fi... So imagine our SHOCK!!! and DISAPPOINTMENT!!! when we found out that only "certain areas" of our campsite had Internet. And now I'm finding out that patients are calling, wanting to make sure I'm okay... And Dr. Metz has texted me to remind me that it has been "four days since you have blogged." I KNOW... Believe me- it hurts me more then it does you. I mean, who else am I going to tell about my first RVing experience? Have you ever heard of a "Honey Truck"? Neither had I... And now I know it's a good thing to have clothing on when those people show up at your camper. That way no one goes blind.

Right now I'm using the iPad to send this but I'll be back to blogging tomorrow (Wednesday) with stories, pictures, prizes, and big squeezy cyber-hugs. Because I've missed you. And maybe, just maybe, you've missed me too.'Cause we're tight like that.
I am gonna have to google honey truck now...and it sort of scares me. Hope you are having a lot of fun!
Too funny! I was just thinking this morning about how you hadn't blogged in a while, but then remembered Lindy told me you guys were gone this week when I went to schedule my appt. Glad you're alive!
we got back from our vacation yesterday and when I went to check on all my peeps I couldnt believe there was only ONE new blog from you... I was a little concerned. Glad all is well!!!
Glad you're okay. Was a bit worried there for a bit!
I've missed seeing you at the gym:( Glad to hear you've had some RVing time:0)
Enjoy your trip Miss Amy! It is ok to take a break from the old blog (=
BY the way - my heart rate moniter arrived while I was on holidays! Thank you so much - as I get back into the swing of things, I can't wait to use it!
"Honey truck" certainly sounds like something you wouldn't want to pull up while your children were around. Like natioam, I think I must go Google this.
Glad to hear you are were missed!
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