Man. The Holidays. They are turning me into a WEIGHT LOSS DEVIL.Has anything major happened...? Not yet... I didn't realize how hard Christmas would be! I thought I had this in the bag, know what I mean? And no matter how much I think I have the "yeah, I gained 1.8 last week but it's okay" attitude (check 4 posts back)- gaining weight HURTS! And I thought I'd handle the holiday parties & treats just FINE until I started going to them and having my friends say "you HAVE to try the (insert any yummy thing you can imagine here)- they are SO good" and my willpower goes out the door. *sigh*
So I've come to a compromise with myself~ my goal through the holiday season is to maintain my current weight & then go forward from there. Maintain. MAINTAIN. Is that enough? I don't want to disappoint myself right now however I want to be realistic about what I'm up against. Does that make sense? I know that making compromises is a SLIPPERY SLOPE, however, and I don't want to come out on the other side having gained 20 pounds and wanting to beat myself up.
I've worked too hard and come so far.
So, Internet friends, I know you're out there. (I have a hit counter. I see you.) I need some support. If you have some advice, let's hear it.
How do you make it through the holidays? Christmas is coming... my birthday is 12/31... my anniversary is 1/3... I DON'T WANT TO FAIL.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
2 days ago
Oh Amy -
You're doing great! I am so impressed - I just found your blog through another blog. and have added you to my bloglines. I think the maintaining idea is good and I also think you can have a few goodies - just load up on those veggies and proteins - that's what I'm trying to do at the office parties I go to. I just re-joined WW and will really hit it next week. After Christmas, I'm buckling down. You're a great inspiration.
OK, here's the thing... you don't NEED us. YOU can do this all by your little lonesome. We're just your chearing section :) :) You have the power!!
That being said, I totally get how you feal. I had been doing so well until the holidays and I had NO IDEA how hard this would be! Blah!
Go get em!
Amy -
I'm Amy too!!! I just found your blog on another one that I follow, and I loved your comment... "spit in his drink". That made me think "I need to check this chica OUT!"
Anyway, I've read a couple of your posts, and I think I'm gonna go back and read more. We have so very much in common (well, so far, only an innappropriate love for food and People Magazine. But it's a start).
Keep up the good work. It's hard, but definitely rewarding.
But make sure to snatch a Christmas cookie or two; you'll be a grump if you don't!
Amy, I kind of have a different attitude. I am a sugar-aholic! When I'm in the zone and really working on the weight loss I can't have anything with sugar pass my lips, not even a bite.
Three and a half years ago I lost 70lbs in 3.5 months. When there were treats I left the room or I'd walk around with carrot sticks. When my family had cheese cake I didn't take a piece. My kids were actually crying that I wouldn't eat one since they knew it was my favorite dessert. I had to visit with my kids and let them know (as I was reminding myself) it's NOT the food that is important at birthdays, holidays, get togethers, etc... It's the PEOPLE/PERSON.
I've put my weight back on because I went to my old way of eating. I know to get serious again I have to cut out the junk. I hope there will come a time that I'll be able to eat the treats in moderation (my mom goes to chocolate shops and just buys two of her favorite pieces of chocolate and enjoys. I buy a whole bag of the cheap stuff and chow down.) But that time is not now.
You need to find what works for you. Eat so many and get more exercise in. Eat very healthy before going to a party so you are full and hopefully won't eat as much. Don't eat any sugar.
You can do this! I'm so impressed with your success already.
Krista (from Sparkpeople)
Amy, I have checked out your blog a few times, and I admit that I'm a 'lurker'. lol However, I felt compelled to write to you today.
You have come so far, and you are BEAUTIFUL! Don't beat yourself up for a couple pounds, because you know what you need to do to get 'back on track' (I drink a ton of water, and that helps me a LOT-consider that my tip. haha). You seem like an upbeat, hilarious, wonderful person. I enjoy your humor, and you inspire me. :) Keep your chin up & remember that you can do this! *Hugs*
Here's some more support....Amy, you are an inspiration to me! I used to happily obsessively jump on the treadmill/bike/elliptical/pool for 45 minutes minimum a day....But somehow in the past year I've lost that drive, that enthusiasm, that goal of fitness. And I tell myself tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll get back on the fitness wagon. But I haven't. Since we met a few months ago, I've checked your blog daily because I love your humor and "motivational speaking"! Your blog reminds me that working out/being fit should be fun not a dreaded daily task. So thanks for the ideas, stories, a just plain old daily laughs!
p.s. the way i make through the holidays is this little chant "there is ALWAYS something good to eat" "there is ALWAYS something good to eat" There are always cookies, brownies, cakes, pies...There are always parties, birthdays, desserts, etc....they are just different colors at Christmas. that helps me not eat any different this month than any other month of the year.
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