Monday, December 8, 2008

"Slowly I turn... step by step... inch by inch..."

Happy Monday, bloggers! I hope everyone had a good weekend~ I'm glad to be heading into another week & have a lot to be excited about!
TODAY was my "first appointment" with Nikki. (5 posts back- check her out.) She was SO nice~ I already knew she was a sweet person however the one-on-one time I had with her confirmed it for me. As I have mentioned before, this is outside (and around the block) of my comfort zone & today was a little tough. Nikki did some body composition testing and some measuring- nothing feels better then whipping out your hip fat for someone who has less then 8% body fat... (guessing) but I honestly didn't feel too uncomfortable with her! Nikki did some very thorough measurements including my neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, waist, hips, biceps, forearms, thighs, & calves. I love measurements almost more then what the scale shows because you can have the same weight for a couple of weeks but just WATCH your body shape change & shift. It's amazing! Today my neck measured 14.5". I mentioned in a previous post that I have sleep apnea & when I first went to see the specialist, in February of this year, my neck measured 17.5".


Do you know what this looks like?? Here's an idea (me today):

I was excited to get home & compare my measurements from when I started to what Nikki measured, today. Here's what I found:

August 28, 2008

Weight - 238 (FYI- my "official" highest weight in 2008 was 244)

Chest measurement - 49.5"

Waist measurement - 48.0"

Hip measurement - 50.5"

(basically, I was a sphere.)

December 08, 2008

Weight - 195 (***according to Nikki's scale- I'll weigh at WW's tomorrow which I consider my "official" weight***)

Chest measurement - 43.75", DOWN 5.75"!!

Waist measurement - 37.0", DOWN 11.00"!!

Hip measurement - 45.5", DOWN 5.00"!!

(basically, I'm starting to look a little "va-va-voom!)

So things are changing!!! "INCH BY INCH!" I'm going to take some "before Nikki" pictures tonight so that I can watch the changes happen, week after week. And I'll be back on here, tomorrow, to report my weekly weigh-in results. Have a great day!!

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