Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Love Lucy!

HELLO Bloggers! A WEEK. It's been a WEEK since I've spoken with you. OOOHHHhhhh the shame. I'm not going to waste my time, or yours, giving all of my excuses. (and trust me, I have a slew of them.) Let's just move forward.

SO. Today was my weekly Weight Watchers day. I always feel compelled to explain why I attend WW's when my husband is a physician with an AMAZING medical weight loss program we're promoting. Here's the answer: I like the meetings. I love the people. I need the accountability. The ladies (I think there's one man who attends) who are there each week are SO much fun! I would say the median age would be around 67. And you can tell that some of these women enjoy friendships with each other that have been formed over many years and many pounds gained & lost.

One of the friends I have made at Weight Watchers is Lucy. Lucy must come early to the meetings because she is ALWAYS there when I arrive. She usually has on her blue striped scarf and her trademark digital camera. She is a PICTURE TAKER. Lucy takes photographs of her friends at the meetings. At the next meeting, she will give you the picture she was taken, printed on photo paper, inside of an envelope that has her sweet writing on it saying "February 10, 2009, Weight Watcher friend: Amy. With Love, Lucy." Lucy is 90 years old and has met her goal weight. You can rely on her to be at the meetings. She will cheer loudly for you if you've earned a "five pound star" or a "bravo." And she will take your picture. In conclusion, if you are still wondering why I attend Weight Watcher meetings, please add Lucy to my list. I look forward to seeing her every week and I treasure the pictures she gives me. Actually, I am more fond of the envelopes they come in.

And PS... I lost another .8 this week bringing my weight to a solid 189.00! "WOO WOO!!!" (as Lucy would say)


Perry H. said...

That is a sweet story Amy!! One of my all-time favorite people was an old guy I worked at a McDonalds with when I was about 19 yrs old. We did maintenance at night and I loved the old guy - I could listen to his stories forever and he made me want to work my ass off to please him.
Kudos to you for befriending her too!

Camevil said...

Lucy is a superstar. I had someone similar to her in my smoking cessation group a few years ago. She was part of the reason I kept coming back (although this person was a stubborn 90 year old who's probably gone back to her 2 pack a day habit!).

Congrats on the weight loss!

Vanessa said...

I love Lucy, too! That story just brought a tear to my eye! I wish we had a Lucy at our meetings :)

PS, Congrats on the loss!

mom/Anne said...

Three cheers for good friends, no matter their age!

The Duckworth Family said...

I have to say ditto. It was really hard leaving weight watchers, although I have to admit I did enjoy the Tuesday meetings better. If I could do them again I totally would! And what Lucy is doing is what I totally look foward to the rest of my life, being a life time weight watcher member, to go, be accountable, enjoy the relationships and have that tool for the rest of my life so that the rest of my life can be just that....MINE! Good job on the loss. Mine wasn't quite as fab, but it was a loss, I pray I have at least another week or two of them!

Anonymous said...

omg, I love Lucy too! If she was at my meeting I would want to go too. I've found that Weight Watchers can either be amazingly wonderful or absolute horror shows. It all depends on the leaders for me.

YAY for your weight loss!!!

I am currently doing Beck Diet Solution and considering doing WW as a backup plan.

Nicole said...

Darling post. Love Lucy.

kerrijane said...

for some reason your story about Lucy made me homesick. I guess we all have a Lucy in our life! I've got to get back to Ottawa to see mine. Thanks for the reminder!

JennyCaliGirl said...

Aww, Lucy is adorable! She's a spunky gal--no wonder why you two get along so well. :)

Congrats on the loss! :D

TinaMiller said...

Oh I loved this blog. Lucy seems like such a sweet lasy! We need more of those in this world dont we? Congrats on the weight loss too!

TinaMiller said...

OK... I did mean "lady" lol! I need to watch my typing!

Anonymous said...

You're looking fantastic! Keep up the good work and that Lucy will keep taking pictures of you!

Anonymous said...

I agree - the people make the meetings, especially if the WW leader isn't that good!