Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'm throwing down the gauntlet.

Mama's running her first race. (is it a race? Success for me would be my standing vertically at the end and breathing without wheezing or the use of an oxygen mask.) So if you read this blog & live in the Klamath Falls area, I'm TALKING TO YOU.

Klamath Union High School is having a "Run for the Music" race on Saturday, March 14th. The adult race begins at 9:30AM and there is also a kid's race (Lauren is registered & will be smokin' the 5-6 year olds) that starts at 9AM. The adult pre-registration is $20 & you get a long sleeved tee shirt! You can choose to do a 5K, 10K, or a 1 mile- I'll be walk/running the 5K.
You can pick up your pre-registration forms at the YMCA... National Fitness Racquet Club... and I bet at the Daily Bagel, downtown. And if you're an Internet friend & planning on coming~ post here! I would love some company!


Anonymous said...

That is so so awesome! Good for you. Have you already started running? I have a dread fear of running. I actually walked an entire marathon several years ago (with a teeny bit of running thrown in) but running is one thing I fear I "can't" do (even though I was on the track team in high school, a thousand years ago). I think it's really impressive that you've entered this challenge. GREAT!

MParrish said...

Hum...Hum...I bet that race is worth at least 1/3 a pound...meaning now I only need to think of ways to get rid of the other 6 2/3 pounds for us...

I am so there.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful blog. I am so impressed with both your commitment and your progress. Stop by my blog for almost daily health and fitness tips. If you want to take your fitness to the next level, you may want to try P90X. It's what I am doing and it is AMAZING!

Warrior Princesa said...

amy! i'm coming with ya! is that ok? :) I'm going to have to start working harder to keep up with you! a 5K will be a great goal.

Perry H. said...

Terrrific!!! Once you put that first number on, you are a part of a huge fraternity/ are a RUNNER!!! Woohoo!!! Great job, you're looking super!

The Duckworth Family said...

I might be actually tempted to join the race although most might be walking. I have been wanting to run, worry about my knees with my weight. BAd knees run in my family, but even if I came in dead last because I walked most of it, it would be fun! I'll see if I can convince Sara Davis to do it too as she has been doing some running. It's really good to have something like that to work towards. Today was my last day at weight watchers which was really hard as I was still losing weight. I needed only .8 and I would reach another 5 pounds. NOw I still can reach that .8 by next week on my own, but gosh darn it I want that 5 pound sticker! It was a sad day to be done, but hopefully with inspirations like you I can keep up my healthy habits even while prego!

theantijared said...

Great, I have a feeling you will probably run the whole 5k!!

Kristi Summer said...

races are so much fun and full of positive energy. you will love it. good for you!

Molly said...

Okay so sweet! I will definitely be seeing you there! Also, P90X rules, but very intense. I would start with the regular P90 first. It's a great workout also and prepares you for P90X. My first week of P90X I couldn't lift my arms or move my legs for a week! I love that feeling though!