That's right! It's a picture of Amy/Lauren/Ashlyn taken today~ which is WEIGH IN day...
and I am now...
This means that I have ENTERED the 180's (by the skin of my teeth... who knows what next week will bring... BUT I'M HERE.) and
I have now officially lost FIFTY-FIVE pounds!
The down side is I'm not FEELING the 180's, yet. After calling my mom to tell her my good news she said "now you can look forward to the 170's!" And I said "I need to get my feet firmly planted in the 180's first. My TRUE weight today is 189.8. So I'm TWO TENTHS of a pound away from my dreaded 190's... However I AM HERE. I have not been "here" in about 11 years! I'm stepping up this week on my workout routine. Starting on Tuesdays & Thursdays I'm working out with Nikki in the mornings & then I'm going to do an hour of cardio in the evenings with my friend, Melonie. I'd say my biggest challenge lately has been my diet. I have a hard time giving up the sweets! I think it would be AMAZING to see what I could do if I continued to exercise at the pace I'm at AND quit eating something chocolately every day... *sigh*
I'm now in the 180's and I need to come up with a plan to STAY HERE!
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i'm so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats to you Amy. I know that one has been a tough one coming! Keep up the good work!
That's awesome!!! You are doing a great job!
That is wonderful news Amy!!! You are just awesome!
still. my hero.
Yay for you! Way to go! You have accomplished so much - what an inspiration you are!
Congratulations!!! I'm so proud of you!!! I entered into the 180's this week too, so it looks like we're keeping the same pace! BUT, you've lost 55 freaking pounds!!! That is AMAZING. Wow girlie!!!!!
As far as the sweets go, have you tried the 100 calorie snacks? Like the oreos? Or how about Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches or the drumsticks? They are amazing!!! I have to leave room for at least one chocolately treat a day or my diet goes down the drain.
HURRAAAYYYYY!!! I'm so excited for you! I love your workout plan with cardio in the evenings. That's awesome. Maybe just go cold turkey on the sugar for a bit, replace it with something else. I KNOW you could do it!
Yeah! I'm so glad your back, and on the right track!
Great job! Glad your work is paying off.
You have so many fans you don't need me to say - You are so inspirational!!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! - Wendy
we are so burning at least 500 calories tomorrow night aka 1/7 of a pound which should bring you down another two tenths of a pound!!!!... those 180s pounds just better beware of you, me and the elliptical machines. i declare this a war against our unecessary fat cells!!!
Look at those cute girls. Ow! Ow! Eric is a lucky man.
OH CONGRATS! I know that HAS to feel FANTASTIC! Awesome job!!
congrats! I weigh in tonight and am praying for that .8 I wanted last week! I too have a hard time with the sweets, but definitely my best trick is to never let them in my house. Luckily pregnancy has somewhat muted my sweet cravings so I can have them around a bit...but golly right after baby they are gone again! Keep it up!
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