HELLO, my friends! Thanks for hanging in there with me over the last few days. It's been a rough week, I suppose, but we're all hanging in there. (Sissy, included.)
Let's have some fun and announce our WINNER of the Bullet Blender! I decided to incorporate the help of the Hempel children in our VLOG today... I have asked Lauren to give me a number between one and ten. Then I counted the comments (EXCLUDING the comment by me, ID Laurenscloset) and I'll announce the official winner after the video:
So the winner of the Bullet Blender is.... Dan.Beth.Miranda.Hayley! Dear DBMH, please send me an email at rebuildingamy@gmail.com to claim your prize. I'll need your mailing information as well as your love and admiration.
I did get my cardio in today... but NOT yesterday... And I'd love to give myself a pass, since we have been going through everything with Sissy, but a commitment is a commitment. Today I'm going to give away a Shake Weight Dumbell. Why? Because the commercial makes me laugh. And this week, I could use a good laugh! Reading the reviews, people LOVE them. So here's what you need to do to enter to win this FABULOUS prize...
Answer the following question: What "as seen on TV" item have you purchased, either via the 1-800 number OR in a store?
You have until midnight, July 4th, 2010 to enter this contest. Winners will be announced on Monday, July 5th. Only one entry per person, please.... NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU WANT THE SHAKE WEIGHT.
And for those of you who were wondering how Sissy is doing...
She's still with us. Sissy is on a lot of meds & needs a lot of assistance. I wish I could find something funny or comical about this- but I can't. This little beast has been my dear friend for years and now she is requiring a lot of care and attention. And that's okay- we take care of our family members when they need us, right?
We fought so hard to keep her with us a few nights ago and I'm glad we did. I'm hoping we find the right dosage of seizure medications for her to be able to function and enjoy life, again. But if that can't happen... then we had a little more time with her to tell her all of the things she needed to hear.
That's all I've got for today! It's enough, isn't it?? I'll see you guys tomorrow...
Blue Apron Review: Five Years Later
18 hours ago
YEAH Amy!! I am so freakin' excited right now that I won the Bullet Blender!!! :)
I've never purchased anything from the tv... I however have purchased this pik thing that turns your pony tail inside out, when I was about 12 - what a waste of money. I have purchased the green bags for veggies (as seen on tv at WalMart) and they are awesome. my husband bought that irobot thingy that cleans gutters (infomercial)... funny how we have no trees to lose their leaves in our gutter... hmmm no wonder it ended up at our last garage sale. he's also purchased me the "shark" steamer mop doohicky from a infomercial...it's alright.
**give Sissy an extra treat from me tonight!
Amy, love the VLOG today. Corbin is too cute!
I bought P90X as seen on TV! I have yet to let it mold and shape me. Hah! That's a someday project.
Glad Sissy is doing better.
Keep up the good work!
I'm glad Sissy is doing better. We just lost our dog last week. It is truly like we've lost a family member.
I purchased this hair straightener thingy. I can't remember the name of it but it had little combs on the straightener plate and steam, it worked pretty good.
So, does anyone really know what makes those late night commercials so alluring? Does sleep deprivation play a role? I'm guilty of falling for the hype on some of the products...my latest purchase was the Heel-tastic which has done nothing for my feet but leave a nice greasy stain on my sheets :(
OK, I have to admit I have quite a few of those "as seen on TV items". I have the Pedegg. I have Mighty Putty. I have one of those little over the shoulder purses that hold everything but the kitchen sink. I use (and love!) all of them.
My first buy was a ronco food dehydrator back in the early 90s. Mind you, I didn't get it new, I got it at a yard sale, and my son, who is an infomercial junkie, had hounded me for one for over a year. We used it once.
I've been thinking of buying one of those shake weights, but haven't yet. You might save me a trip to Walgreens ;)
I am a pretty new reader to your blog, but I am hooked! Thank you for sharing your honesty even when it hurts sometimes.
I have recomitted to the gym as of this week. I am committng to 5 days a week, but aiming for 7 days a week. I come every day to see if you did yours. You inspire me. How I lost the 70+ pounds already I don't know, but I had lost my mojo. Thanks for helping me find my way back.
As far as 'as seen on tv" ... all those ads crack me up! I don't know if I have bought any of them, except Oxyclean. :)
I've never heard of that Shake Weight until today. It looks pretty cool. Funny story. On my first birthday after we got married, my husband bought me a lot of items that he saw on late night infomercials. He worked night at a hotel and watched a lot of these. I can't remember everything I got but mostly everything got returned! It was funny. I do have a Magic Bullet and I believe that was off tv? Oh, and I have Turbo Jam but I bought that from Amazon. Love it.
So sorry Sissy is having difficulties - best wishes for her speedy recovery.
Only one thing I can think of I've bought of TV - TaiBo - oh yeah. The whole set. Yeah. Smart. Did the first DVD a few times then sold the whole kit and kaboodle (did I really just say kit and kaboodle?) on eBay. :)
Have a blessed day!
Love your kids - they are so cute! I hope you get your pup's meds worked out - I know from recent experience how stressful it can be having a sick pet.
Lol, i have never purchased anything from TV, but I'm sure at some point one of them ended up in walmart and I purchased it not knowing...although I REALLY wanted the Prefect Brownie Pan! But then I decded it would just facilitate more brownie making and I didn't need that!
Maliyah watched the video of the kids like three times. It was funny
My favorite thing to fess up to is my Core Secrets awesome ab maker thingy that I ordered from my bed WHILE EATING ICE CREAM. It came with one of those giant ab balls, a meal planner thing and a blower upper for the balls. I will be selling this very item in my yard sale this weekend......
I have purchased chemicals that make your titles in your bathroom look brand new. They worked very well. It was nice to see you at the gym yesterday:0)
I am sorry to hear about Sissy! Pets are so much part of family!
I have watched a few infomercials and the two things I have bought was the 7 Day Makeover and the Pediegg.
What is funny is the 7 Day Makeover did not seem to be the right thing for me. So I gave it to a friend and it was magic for her. She went from a size 24 to a size 6. Different things for different people I guess.
Anyways, keep up your hard work! You are very inspiring!
I purchased the magic bullet and it was one of the best purchases I have ever made. :)
I'm embarassed to admit that I've purchased SEVERAL things from TV.
My favorite would have to be the Total Gym. I waited for years for the price to go down and love it... but I didn't prepare for having to share it with all of my children. They love it too. So now it's just one more thing they take from me... Did I say that? I mean, wonderful thing I get to share... =P
Poor Sissy - our family dog, Joni, had seizures all his life. He was a German Shepard and was pretty badly inbred, apparently, but was the sweetest dog and with medication, his seizures were very manageable. I hope Sissy will be alright too.
Haha, if I win that shake weight, I'll make my husband uses it - he hates those commercials!
We always used to buy those "As seen on TV" things for white elephant presents at Christmas - last year, I bought a dog Snuggie!
I hope your puppy is okay. *hugs*
Amy, you won't believe it, but I am an "as seen on TV" addict. I've bought a Vacuum cleaner, space bags, knives, hair gizmos, food dehydrator, snowcone maker, ice-cream machine, seal-a-meal, rice steamer, imitation Tupperware, organizers for my car, car-washing kits, 3 different workout video programs AND their accessories, moon sand, floam... don't make me go on. If I only had all that money back I could afford liposuction!
Ann, I'm coming to YOUR garage sale, next time!!!
SHAM-WOW!!!!!!!!!! I think thats the only "as seen on tv" thing I've purchased.... I don't think it works that well...or maybe its just operator error. hum...
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