What a day, WHAT A DAY! Don't you love those days where you look back over the last... (checking clock) 13 hours and think "yup... I was totally awesome today." It was one of those kind of days, people.
Even though Corbin decided to be awake, off and on, most of the night, Eric and I STILL got up and went biking together at 7AM this morning. We had to talk each other into it since we were so tired but we made it! See, Hempels are night people. We are ALWAYS up past midnight and lately, we stay up until 2AM. So being up... and moving... before 7AM is an accomplishment! We biked eight miles on an amazing bike path that's practically in our back yard. We've lived here over six years & never really used the bike paths so now we're all... HOW COOL IS THE BIKE PATH??
And what did I do after coming home from biking? Well... THANKED the wonderful neighbor who attended to the kids while we were gone, got them dressed, and headed to the gym! I had almost finished a half of an hour of my cardio when Lana came by the machine (see picture to the right) and said "I read your blog about wanting to start weight training... I'm starting a weight class- come upstairs!" Foolish, foolish me... I can't say no. (why do I always befriend fit/strong people who whoop up on me?) I headed upstairs and Lana welcomed me to the class by announcing what a "real treat" it is to have Amy Hempel join the class since she "doesn't do classes..." And that was just fine... I can dish it AND take it. I quickly located the pile of weights/a table thing/bar that I needed for the class, participated for 20 minutes, and then my body said "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? ARE YOU INSANE? HAVE I NOT HAD ENOUGH?!" So I bowed out of the class. Listen, I'm not a hero. I had been exercising for about 2 hours at that point. It was time for a donut to go pick up the groceries for dinner.
The rest of my day was spent at home. We're getting ready for a couple of vacations which means there is laundry that needs to be done. However, I did ONE more thing that was "outside of the box." (if you're counting, that means I did THREE unique-to-Amy things today!!) I've been remodeling the kids' rooms and I had ONE more Ikea bookshelf that needed to be put together. Eric is a busy, busy man and I really try to give him a pass on most things, including the shelf. I'm not crazy about saying "hey, honey! Thanks for working 12 hours today & then coming home to play with the kids for 2 hours. Instead of going back to work tonight on your charts, can you assemble a shelf?" Noooo.... I love the guy too much. So today... I put that shelf together MYSELF. (Remember: I'm a southern girl so I have neither been trained to do such things nor am I expected to.) And yes, I did it incorrectly the first time and had to take it apart and start over. And yes, now that it's completed, the shelves are on upside down. But Lauren thinks I'm AWESOME because we did it together with our "girl power" and Eric can flip the shelves over when he has time. Meaning: check back in three years and they will look the same. WHO CARES?
Okay... okay... I know what you want. You want to know who won the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker. LET ME SAY THIS: pay attention to the spelling of the winner's name. There are 2 entries with the same name but different spelling. Sucks, doesn't it? Here's the VLOG: enjoy!
That's it, folks! We'll have another give-away this weekend, I'm sure. And it'll be a good one so be sure to check back! Have a GREAT evening & I'll be talkin' at you soon now, ya hear?
Blue Apron Review: Five Years Later
23 hours ago
I'm proud of you for waking up early, AND putting together a bookshelf :) That IS quite out of the box!
Says it is a private video and won't show???
awesome day of working out. i'm tired reading about it! Those darn ikea things always get put together backwards when I do them myself??
WHAT?? Private video?? I'm off to investigate... humph!
Video has been FIXED! Please let me know if, for some reason, you can't see it. If that happens, I'll promptly scream my husband's name until he comes and fixes the problem. Thanks!
Congrats on an awesome day~ Corbin if you would draw my name mommy would not have to pay shipping to mail that nice lady a prize I would even drive over and pick it up!!!
Hey! we were calling this a yogurt machine! Not ice-cream right? Being all health conscious and wise decision makers that we are.
I think that name is mine! I'm excited, new possibilities in the world of frozen goodness await!
You rock Amy!!
LOL! I SO miss those two coming over for VT (ok, I miss you coming as well)! It TOTALLY cracks me up that you said "no, you can't read." HA HA! Such an amy statement! Also, I'm almost positive I saw MY name on that first slip corbin put back in the bowl - stinker. I'll get even!
BTW, thanks so much for the inspiration - Evan and I saddled up and went for a bike ride yesterday as well. It was such a beautiful morning and it felt SO good to get out and burn off some energy. Evan, because he can't talk, kept signing "more! more!" everytime I stopped for a drink of water (aka: to push because I was too tired to keep going)!
Thanks Amy! You're the best!
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