Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Old pictures can be INSPIRATIONAL! original post 10/07/08

HELLOooooooooo bloggers!

Today was my weigh in / picture day. I am happy to report that I am officially down another 2.4 pounds! I had hoped the nice lady at Weight Watchers would have said "WOW, Amy, you've lost twelve pounds this week- can you share with the group how you managed to do that??" But instead she quietly wrote down "-2.4" into my little book and said "good job!" I can't complain. If I keep losing at this rate, I'll be down 124 pounds this year so what's there to gripe about??

I have been having some issues when trying to load pictures from my camera to the computer. SO frustrating. A couple of days ago, Eric agreed to give me a hand and, by using some sort of manual-uploading-technique-using-a-cord-from-the-camera-to-the-computer he managed to convince the pictures to load. I was eagerly flipping through them when I came across several from our beach trip last August. This year. Two months ago. Remember the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words"? I'll just let you take a look...

Now. I'm not going to sit here & trash on myself. I was a lovely young lady in this picture just as I am today. And there's a wonderful saying - "when you know better, you do better" and I think that applies to me at this moment. But when I look at this picture, it's so easy to remember how I felt. (especially since it was only about 8 weeks ago...) I was uncomfortable. I cared about how I looked but I felt helpless when it came to my weight. I was tired of being the "big girl" in the room. Is it hard to look at this picture? Maybe a little. But I'm thankful for it. I have not been on this journey long so I am utilizing every tool I can get my hands on. And I see this picture as one of the things that will continue to keep me inspired!

And let me tell you... there will be MANY more pictures to come from this gal! And here's one more, if you can stand it.... I'VE LOST 22 POUNDS AS OF TODAY! Can you believe what a difference 22 pounds makes? I, personally, don't even think of that amount of weight as being that much but LOOK at the changes! I'm working out at least 5 days a week, for an HOUR at a time- sweating my butt off. (literally.) Watching everything I eat and only drinking water. (flavored.) There's a lot of effort that goes into this- a lot of thought and planning- but it's worth it. I have sixty one pounds to go before I reach the weight I should be which is 155 pounds.

Now THAT's a picture I look forward to seeing. (and beware. It may be unsuitable for small children, depending on how hot I look.) ; )

Have a WONDERFUL week!!

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