Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Outside (AND AROUND THE BLOCK FROM ) my comfort zone... original post 12/01/08

HELLO friends! TOMORROW is my weigh in day. Am I excited and counting the hours 'till I get to stand proudly on the scale? Uhhhhh..... no. I have been SICK for the last week & missed going to the gym for 7 days! And when you're sick, aren't you entitled to comfort foods? RIGHT? I did manage to work out today & was thankful that it didn't kill me. Actually, I was surprised at how easily I picked things back up where I had left them. I did an hour on the elliptical & then some weight exercises using my arms. And as I was working out, looking all sweaty & gross, THIS is what danced by me:
(if you are a male & reading this blog, don't forget to blink.
Your eyes will dry out.)

... and instead of running and hiding, I cornered her. I asked for her help.

And ... she said yes.

This is Nikki Crawford ( & she is one of the personal trainers at my gym. She is also really, really nice & works very hard to look. this. amazing. I know I've mentioned on some of my previous posts that what I am doing at the gym is not as challenging as it once was.

WELL... Mrs. Hempel- meet your challenge!

This coming Monday, December the 8th, I am meeting with Nikki for the first time to discuss my pain. I mean goals. And then I am going to work out with Nikki on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the gym. I don't know if I'll meet with her for months at a time or for a few weeks & then go on my own. I DO know this is going to be hard. It's hard to struggle, physically, in front of anyone- much less someone who looks that good. But as I said before, Nikki really is a kind person & she has already shown me a lot of enthusiasm over the weight I have lost. And we know each other from the gym & around town so it's not like I'll be working with a stranger. I just need to prepare myself, mentally, and remember that she's not judging me. She's going to help me. And I really am excited to watch the changes that will take place as I do the things she instructs me to do. I'll have to take before & after pictures just for this experience!

I'll never look like that in a bikini. But MARK MY WORDS:

I'm going to be smokin' by "summer 2009" in a one piece. and a sarong.

Maybe a sheer sarong. We'll see.

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